Do you really want to feel empowered? Then stop being afraid and start making money. Money – lots of it. Yes, you read it correctly. Money – it’s a very good thing. However, money has often been given a bad rap, and somewhere along the line we may have been given the wrong message; so today, we are faced with the consequences of that. In fact, many of us were taught to feel guilty about pursuing money, as though it were a bad thing. However, that really is a misconception. Money is just an energy, which represents whatever meaning that we attach to it. Therefore, money itself can not be something bad or negative; it is just the intention or meaning that we assign to it. So, what better time than now, to bridge that gap between the physical world of making money and spirituality?
As we continue to explore its positive meanings, the color of money, which is green, symbolizes nature, life, health, well-being and growth. Just think for a moment of all the wonderful things that money can offer you…freedom, independence, self-esteem/self-worth, security and a great lifestyle. You can do a lot with money as it affords you the ability to be good to yourself and to others. When we make money we offer a great gift to society. By being financially independent and responsible, we get to pull our own weight; and as we live an abundant, prosperous life (which is the opposite of lack) we generate a flow of energy that contributes to society in a positive way.
Money is a huge part of practicing self-care. Being financially independent is a significant act that shows you can take care of yourself by being self-supporting and meeting your own needs. And what better way to raise your level of self-worth and self-esteem? Self-worth and money go hand in hand. Earn money and watch your self-worth increase, and by improving your self-worth, you will earn money. These ideas actually work in tandem because they are two sides of the same coin. You see, it is very hard to make money without feeling that you have some value to offer the world; and on the corresponding side, making money is a tangible way to see your value and it feels great, so your self-esteem goes up.
Achieving a healthy relationship with money in spiritual terms occurs when you are being true to your authentic self while earning money. And what better way to enjoy life without the constant struggle of being worried about material cares? Once you are able to release these money concerns you are freed up to live your life from your highest potential. So, isn’t it about time to let go of your survival mode attitude that keeps you stuck and prevents you from being your larger self?
Now that you are ready to become financially empowered you must set your intention in order for things to change. Declare what you choose to create for yourself. Affirm your intention to be financially independent – and be clear with the specific dollar figure that you choose to earn. Once you make this decision, get ready for things in your life to shift!
Also, keep in mind that anything positive can be pushed to the extreme. This is not about money worship or earning money with an all or nothing attitude. You are not meant to compromise yourself or someone else for the sake of a dollar, and there is no need to work extremely hard by putting in crazy hours at the expense of your personal life. This is about finding a rhythm for making money that works best for you, and then creating the right balance for your life.
Next month we will further examine the meaning behind money and explore our relationship with it. Until next time, wishing you much abundance and prosperity!