Stop fighting for your limitations, unless of course, you want to stay stuck with the same results. If you want to take your life to the next level, you have to be willing to let go of all those excuses…all the reasons why you CAN’T do something. Some examples of what we usually do are as follows: “I would be successful if I had more support,” or “I wish I could get more clients, but it’s hard to stay focused when there are so many fires to put out in a day,” and how about this one…”I want to save more money, but it’s impossible because I’m not earning enough right now.”
Are any of these sounding familiar? Yes, we all have the perfect excuse for why we can’t achieve something. This is our creative way of playing it safe. We argue for our limitations and this lets us off the hook. Unfortunately, it does more than that…it prevents us from being, having and doing what we want. We don’t have to attempt anything because we have made it impossible for us to succeed. And as a culture, we have become accustomed to this behavior.
The only way to achieve different results is to let go of this pattern and our limitations. This frees us up to actually give ourselves “permission to succeed”. So why not think of all the reasons why YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU WANT? Because until you can convince yourself why YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, then all you’re doing is keeping what you want out of reach. It will always remain an elusive dream, never to be obtained.
You can take your first step at changing right now. Think about one thing in your life that you really want. Then write down all the reasons why you believe that you CAN have this. Affirm these statements and look at this list often. Before long, you will see the positive results showing up, and then you can begin to apply this “can have” approach to all areas of your life.
I support you in your greatness!