By now most of us are familiar with that ever-so popular question, “What would you be doing if you weren’t afraid?” It’s typically a great question to use when you’re unsure about where your passion lies when it comes to your career. You can also use it during transitional times in your life when you want to move forward and are feeling resistance. But beyond that initial question lies the more important inquiry you want to be asking which is, “What would your life look like if you loved yourself more?”
If you’re thinking I’m on some “New Age” rant about how love is the answer to all things…maybe you’re right. Does it always come down to self-love and self-esteem? YES!!! How could it not?
And if you truly loved yourself unconditionally then let’s consider all the positive possibilities that could happen…
• You would be free to explore your passions in life, especially your choice of career since you wouldn’t need anyone else’s approval.
• Your existing business would expand because your focus would be more on serving your target market rather than thinking about how others view you and meet your needs. This in turn could produce higher income.
• The relationships in both your business and personal life would likely grow because when you exude “love” you tend to attract more people.
• You have the ability to choose and maintain healthy relationships since you are not coming from “need” energy.
• Your stress level would go down because you would feel tanked up and more supported.
• Your energy level would go up since you no longer function from negative emotions (fear, anger, sadness).
• You would not have to reach out to those pseudo fillers such as food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, TV, etc. because there is no emptiness that needs to be filled.
• Your health would improve because we all know the power of those feel good endorphins.
• If you’re a parent, you will have much more love to give when interacting with your children.
• And you might even contribute more to altruistic causes, which you offer freely from a place of love and having enough to give, rather than giving out of obligation.
• You would be open to receive without being so guarded, leading you to feel deserving of all good things – especially happiness!
Stay tuned for how to up your love factor in the next “Thought and Action” article.
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