How well do you listen to your instincts? Why didn’t you trust your intuition? I’m sure you’ve been asked that after you have made a decision and realized that it wasn’t the best for you in the end. So do you or don’t you follow your instincts, and if you don’t, why not?
The best decision makers – the small percentage of top successful people are those that are making big life changing decisions based primarily on their instincts, not their logic. But how do the rest of us trust our instincts enough to make successful decisions especially if we lack proven experience? In fact, we can be so focused on avoiding mistakes that we inhibit our ability to choose out of fear of making the wrong decision, and in the process create a level of angst and worry that takes us out of the present moment. We may even become a prisoner of our own thoughts by dwelling on pressing issues causing a lack of action in our lives.
To evaluate a situation we are faced with either listing out our logical reasons or listening quietly to that soft inner voice deep in our soul that knows what’s best for us. However, we don’t always listen because we can’t fully understand or prove the accuracy of the message. We often get so focused in our heads that we disengage from the connection of what feels right at the gut level. This usually occurs because we are so intent on achieving a particular outcome that we choose to control the situation and quiet our inner knowing. This inner knowing is God within us or Universal truth. To be in the flow is to allow our decisions to happen from this place of love and faith trusting that this in our best interest. Making decisions from our heart and soul with wisdom guarantees success.
Unfortunately, we often fail to use our intuition in this way because this process doesn’t come naturally. Since we never learned how to listen to our instincts effectively, it can be challenging to reach the best conclusion or outcome in a given situation. Therefore, when using this method we must first learn how to work with our intuition by applying it to smaller issues before practicing on the major decisions.
To work with your instincts let’s try an exercise, and chart the process. Start off small and make a list with 5 easy choices that could be made. Pick the first issue that you want to work with including when you plan to take the time to practice this method. When you are ready to begin, calmly focus on your solution and see what feels right in your gut. Define the moment including very specific details that describe your emotional and physical state as well as your external environment when reaching your decision.
Things to think about…
What were you feeling at the time? Did you have your eyes open or closed? Where did you get the feeling or answer in your body? Before doing this process, did you have a massage, a meditation/prayer, a bath, a workout or maybe a glass of wine? Did you happen to talk with a close friend, family member or professional earlier that day? Were you relaxed? Did you have an empty or full stomach? Track your results. How successful was the outcome of your decision on a scale of 1-10? Then proceed to do this same exercise with the remaining 4 choices while assigning a final number to each based on the level of success.
Once you have success making these small decisions over time, then you can use this same system to conclude the more life-changing decisions that you may face.
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