What better way to celebrate the season than with gratitude? Gratitude, which is a noun, has its origin in the Latin, “gratus” meaning grateful. As defined by Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary, gratitude is the state of being grateful; thankful, appreciative; being more at grace and pleasing.
Living a life of gratitude benefits us in many ways. For it is with gratitude that we are better supported emotionally and physically in our life, thus allowing for an overall sense of peace and calm. Gratitude promotes a state of abundance and the feeling of satisfaction. In fact, gratitude is a wonderful way to sweeten your holidays naturally, without the added sugar, taking away the need for that second helping of dessert. With a sense of gratitude, we readily allow more abundance to enter our lives. This is part of the Universal plan, for when we are appreciative and thankful we easily receive more goodness into our lives.
At this special time, I would like to share my gratitude with all of you. To my friends, associates, coaches and mentors…I want to thank you for making a difference in my life. I am grateful to all of my clients and workshop participants who I have had the privilege of working with. I, too, have learned much from our coaching relationship. And to my networking groups, I am grateful for the many new connections that I have made and look forward to strengthening these relationships in the future. I really appreciate every one of you.
This month, follow your heart with these gratitude inspired ideas:
- Acknowledge and appreciate those special people in your life with a positive verbal comment, a card, a gift or a hug.
- Make a list of all the things that you are grateful for in your life and do include yourself.
- Reach out to people who you know are alone and that would welcome a holiday connection.
- Write a short gratitude saying or prayer that you can recite to yourself. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you might want to share it with your family and friends at a holiday get-together.
And now I would like to leave you with a few of my favorite gratitude verses…
“If the only prayer you ever say your whole life is thank you that would suffice.”
~ Eckart Toll“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~ Melody Beattie“For gratitude, a magical magnet…a natural expression of a loving heart, the power of gratitude recharges our souls, in giving thanks we help heal the world, and increase our abundance of blessings unknown.”
~ Eileen Bodoh and Katherine Schere
Wishing you happy holidays, an abundance of blessings and a full heart!
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