Searching, seeking, looking for that elusive state of happiness? Do you feel the need to change a particular situation or obtain something in order to be happy? If so, this type of thinking can keep you trapped in a never ending cycle where the “carrot of happiness” is always dangling somewhere out there in front of you. But the truth is that happiness is available to you right now. Happiness is a state of mind, which is not dependant on outside circumstances but rather inside circumstances. Happiness is a choice and you can decide to have it whenever you want. It’s available 24/7, but it does require the right mindset.
To assist you in the process, there are several techniques that can increase your level of happiness. Commit to practicing the following, and you will be well on your way:
1. Decide to make happiness an inside job. Don’t wait for happiness to “happen to you” … make it happen yourself.
2. Loosen up your standards … because when you have very specific expectations that are narrowly defined your chances of being disappointed by the outcome go up considerably. Allowing yourself more options for success, will generate more possibilities for creating positive feelings.
3. Do something just for the fun of it.
4. Allow yourself a day without any time constraints.
5. Notice how you view things … after all, your story is just that … your story, and you can write it anyway you choose. Your thoughts, judgments and words create your feelings. If you want to feel good then tell a different story, one that will give you the results that you are seeking.
6. Smile, laugh and love deeply.
7. Be true to yourself, honor your feelings and know that you matter.
8. Stop making happiness conditional. For example, “I will be happy when I get that dream job”, or “meet that man”, or “lose those 10 pounds”. Life is all about change, and in an ever changing world it’s impossible to control all the variables. Therefore, there’s no logic in having happiness depend on outer conditions.
9. Be giving and practice random acts of kindness.
10. Stop trying to be so perfect … in fact, the more perfect you have to be, the less happy you become.
11. “You can’t always get what you want” … learn to be more accepting of that concept.
12. Be fully present in the moment.
13. Surround yourself with good energy – positive people and the right environment.
14. Focus on what’s right, rather than on what’s wrong.
15. Be aware that feelings always change given time … so anytime that you are unhappy, just know that it is a temporary state of mind.
Here’s to your happiness!
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