You decide that you want more money in your life, but you are not exactly certain how to achieve this goal. And I am sure that a part of you is probably wondering why you have not been more successful at attracting it in the first place. After all, you maybe thinking “I am an intelligent person, so how come I am not rolling in the dough by now?” But before you set out to acquire more money, you must first understand the money rules by which you have been living your life. You need to look at your relationship with money and what money represents to you on a deeper level. Like anything else the way we are in relationship to that something will affect how it operates in our lives.
Money is such a loaded word in our society. The subject of money is usually taboo and with it brings a significant range of feelings. You can love it, want it and yet repel it. Some people make it a priority in their life and place it at the top of their list next to Godliness, while others are not so enamored with it, and then there are those who fall somewhere in between. There are definitely a host of associations that can range from power, freedom, love, security, control, pressure, greed and the list goes on from here.
So, now is the perfect time to explore your personal relationship with money by looking at your limiting beliefs around this topic. You know, those unconscious rules that you live by. One such common belief, which can block money from coming in is not being open to receive it. You may be very skilled at giving, but in order to attract money you have to be comfortable with allowing it into your life. This type of belief usually stems from the feeling of being undeserving. So, how deserving are you? Here is your chance to uncover additional beliefs by answering the following questions:
- What does money represent to you?
- What are your feelings towards money?
- How much do you like money and value it?
- How much do you value yourself as compared to money?
- How do you treat money and how does it treat you?
- How easily do you earn money? Or if you prefer, how hard do you have to work for it?
- How easily do you receive money?
- How easily do you spend it?
- What type of relationship do you want to create with money?
- What do you have to believe in order to have this relationship with it?
- What step(s) can you take this week that is in alignment with your new beliefs?
Since you have set up your new beliefs, you will want to validate them by creating an affirmative statement that feels right for you. Some useful affirmations may include the following: “I am a money magnet” or “I easily attract more than enough money to support myself.” Use your affirmation daily for 40 days by repeating it to yourself, in addition to writing it down several times during the day. The most important key for you to remember about making money is to value yourself, and with that belief firmly in place you are that perfect magnet for attracting more money into your life. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is the higher your self worth, the higher your net worth, and vice-versa. And on that note, may you all prosper beyond your wildest imaginings!
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