There’s so much going on in our lives on a daily basis. You constantly take in information at work and at home that you process from a variety of sources whether it be computer, phone, books/newspapers, TV, seminars and events. And if that’s not enough, you keep yourself busy by consuming every minute of your day with continuous activity and experiences that keep you on the move. Besides all of that, we’re a society of consumers we take in lots of food and purchase material goods on a frequent basis. But with everything that you take in during your daily routine, why do you still feel empty?
Seeking outside of yourself for something that you feel is missing is NOT going to satisfy you. It actually has the opposite effect. Because what you’re seeking has nothing to do with what you really want inside. Think for a moment about a particular area of your life where you feel something is not quite right. What is the feeling or quality that you feel is missing? For example, you might think about the relationship aspect of your life and declare that you want to feel more support. But rather than seek out support, you try to fill yourself up with everything but the quality that you wanted most. When you seek out anything, it’s close to impossible to create a positive situation because you’re coming from such a place of lack and need. This type of action, will not give you the outcome that you’re looking for in the end.
The only true way to bring a quality into your life is to demonstrate it yourself. Whatever that quality may be, you must first exhibit it in your own world. Right now, think about some of the feelings, experiences, or attributes that would help to fulfill your life whether it’s love, fun or more meaning. Write out a list of these feelings and qualities, and then start by practicing those traits on a daily basis while offering them to others as well. This will bring a richness and fullness to you that will only attract more of the same…leading to satisfaction at your core.
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