We are all a product of our environment. This especially rings true when it relates to the people that we surround ourselves with. Think about the relationships that you have with the people you engage in your inner circle as well as those you meet in group settings. Do they typically share similar beliefs, life experiences and socioeconomic status? Most likely – yes…and there’s good reason for it.
We like it when people feel familiar to us and if this feeling is missing we tend to limit our interaction with them. When it feels that we have very little in common, we fail to connect. We choose to gravitate to individuals who feel familiar because they feel safe to us. We don’t have to venture out of our comfort zone. And we can easily relax in these relationships because we have a knowing or understanding of what to expect from that person, whether good, bad or indifferent, we know their overall mindset and behaviors. We often share very similar behaviors and beliefs because we seek out people who validate our way of thinking.
Even though it’s good to have supportive friends with whom you share a common philosophy, it can be a hindrance to your personal growth since it holds you back. If you stay complacent in your comfort zone you’re going to limit yourself. In order to create change in your life and to accomplish goals, it requires you to break free from this pattern. To learn something new, you have to do something new. That means reaching out of your comfort zone to connect and interact with individuals who can offer a totally different perspective on life.
If there is something that you specifically want to achieve, then find a way to pursue those individuals and groups who are demonstrating that success. What can you learn from them? What beliefs do they have? What action steps have they taken to create that success in their life?
This week, explore ways that you can seek out relationships with new people whether it’s through classes for a hobby or learning a new interest, or through coaching and mentoring programs. Look into various associations, which include networking and mastermind groups, meetups, clubs, places of worship and wellness centers.
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